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Writer's pictureLuke Humphries

Sunday Prep 12/29

THIS SUNDAY: Matthew 20:17-34

As we read the rest of Matthew 20, we will continue to see that the ways of the kingdom of heaven appear to be upside down compared to this world.

This text has three different sections:

  1. Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time

  2. The Request of the Mother of James and John

  3. Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

But 20:28 is the key verse that we need to pay attention to because it connects these three sections.

even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

This verse informs us of Jesus royal identity (Son of Man), his mindset (to serve, not to be served), and his mission (give his life as a ransom for many)

This verse also instructs our lives: how we ought to view Jesus, trust Jesus, and follow Jesus.

Other Passages

2 Cor 8:9

John 13

Philippians 2:1-11


Prayerfully meditate on the gospel words and phrases throughout this text:

  1. and the Son of Man will be delivered over

  2. mocked and flogged and crucified

  3. raised on the third day

  4. are you able to drink the cup I am about to drink

  5. give his life as a ransom for many

  6. Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!

  7. they recovered their sight and followed him

Sunday School:

Week 8 of Biblical Theology Class: People of God

What is Biblical Theology? Biblical theology is the discipline of learning how to read the Bible as one story by one divine author that culminates in the person and work of Christ, so that every part of Scripture is understood in relation to the eternal work of redemption.

What is Biblical Theology?

1. Defining the Topic                                     Week 1

2. Guardian & Guide for the Church            Week 2

3. Defining the Tools                                     Week 3


The Stories to be Told: Biblical Theology Displayed

4. Kingdom Through Covenant                    Week 4-5

5. Eden to New Jerusalem                 Week 6-7

6. People of God                                             Week 8

7. Sacrifice                                                     

8. Mission                                                      

9. Idolatry                                                      


Putting the Text to Work

10. Exodus; 1 Samuel; Psalm                        

11. Proverbs; Isaiah; Nehemiah                   

12. Luke; John; Colossians               

13. The Quiz                                                 

The Bible has one main theme, redemption, but it has many sub-themes that weave in and out around the main. These would be covenant, priesthood, temple, sacrifice, etc. During this study, we will understand what Biblical Theology is, how to recongize it in the scriptures, and then how to use it to study the scriptures.

Click on the hymn playlist below and fill your home and vehicle with hymns that beautifully portray the glory of Christ.


Seek daily communion with God through scripture reading, prayer, and singing. Click on the resources below.

"I feel it is far better to begin with God—to see his face first, to get my soul near him before it is near another." - Robert Murray M'Cheyne



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