This week, we will continue our series, A Theology of Government and Politics.
The goal of this series is to answer these three main questions:
What is God's purpose with government?
What is politics, and should it matter to Christians?
What does being a Christian look like in 21st-century America?
The main text for the series will be Romans 13 (the whole chapter), along with other scriptures to guide us as we answer these questions.
Focus for this Sunday: Being An American Christian
We continue our look at Romans 13:1-7. While last week, we focused on who are the governing authorities, this week we will turn our attention to the citizens who are to "submit" to the governing authorities, the citizens. But, to understand our responsibilities as citizens, we must understand our context as 21st-century Americans. Therefore, our situation is different than if we lived in China. It would also be a different situation if we lived in 1st-century Rome. This week we will look at three biblical ways we interact with our governing authorities:
Submission & Honor
Participation & Stewardship
Disobedience When Necessary
Other Helpful Passages
1 Timothy 2:1-6
Jeremiah 29:1-9
1 Peter 1
Acts 4:13-31
Next Week:
After looking at Being An American Christian this week and understanding our context as Americans, we will flip the adjective and focus on Being A Christian American.
During the sermon series, I will also write additional material between the sermons. These will be published on the church website and (Lord willing) in audio format where the sermons are published. This will serve a few different purposes:
We want to ensure that our Lord's Day sermons focus on preaching the word of God and don't turn into Civics 101.
To allow the Lord's Day sermons to focus on major themes, while the essays will fill in gaps and allow for necessary rabbit trails.
Prayerfully, this will ensure greater edification and education for the church without overloading on Sunday mornings.
First essay: Why Preach on Government and Politics?
Click on the hymn playlist below and fill your home and vehicle with hymns that beautifully portray the glory of Christ.
Seek daily communion with God through scripture reading, prayer, and singing. Click on the resources below.
*This Week's Hymns Playlist - Spotify
*This Week's Hymns Playlist - YouTube
"I feel it is far better to begin with God—to see his face first, to get my soul near him before it is near another." - Robert Murray M'Cheyne