THIS SUNDAY: Matthew 18:1-35
As we enter chapter eighteen, we enter Jesus' fourth major collection of teachings.
Relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven
As you read through this chapter, do not pull each story, instruction, or parable apart from the whole, but consider each part in light of the whole.
How are they relating to one another?
If you read The Parable of the Lost Sheep separated from the rest of the chapter, you could potentially come up with a point for the parable that is disconnected from the context of the rest of the discourse.
Themes of this Discourse
Humility: 1-6
Sin and Temptation: 5-9
Restoration & Reconciliation: 10-20
Discipline and Accountability 15-20
The Authority that Governs Kingdom Relationships: 17-20
Forgiveness: 21-35
Questions and Meditations
Am I prone to being confrontational or passive?
Do I have a hard time hearing criticism?
Am I a constant critic?
When a relationship gets tough, do I pursue or flee?
Am I thinking heavenly about my relationships, as outlined in this chapter? Do I subject my natural tendencies to Jesus' teaching on relationships?
Remember the nature of the gospel (grace and sacrificial love), and with it saturate your approach to relationships.
Sunday School
This week we will start a study on Biblical Theology.
Last week's class, Introduction to Biblical Theology, is at the bottom of this page.
What is Biblical Theology? Biblical theology is the discipline of learning how to read the Bible as one story by one divine author that culminates in the person and work of Christ, so that every part of Scripture is understood in relation to the eternal work of redemption.
The Bible has one main theme, redemption, but it has many sub-themes that weave in and out around the main. These would be covenant, priesthood, temple, sacrifice, etc. During this study, we will understand what Biblical Theology is, how to recongize it in the scriptures, and then how to use it to study the scriptures.
Click on the hymn playlist below and fill your home and vehicle with hymns that beautifully portray the glory of Christ.

Seek daily communion with God through scripture reading, prayer, and singing. Click on the resources below.
*This Week's Hymns Playlist - Spotify
*This Week's Hymns Playlist - YouTube
"I feel it is far better to begin with God—to see his face first, to get my soul near him before it is near another." - Robert Murray M'Cheyne