Please read our letter to the Fulton Co Quorum Court which was read to the court at the first session of 2025 on January 21st, 2025.
Below the letter you will find our reasons for writing the letter, our reasons for making it public, and some encouragement to other churches, pastors, and Christians in Fulton County, Arkansas.

Why Address the County Government?
Simply put, we wanted to address our county government because of two reason, Christian witness and responsible citizenship.
Christian Witness
As Christians, we not only carry the truth of God in our Bibles, but it has been written on our minds and hearts (Hebrews 8:10), and part of that great blessing is the opportunity and responsibility to proclaim and live out that truth in the world around us (Matthew 5:14-16).
God has many things to say about governing authorities. He gives wisdom and warning. He tells us what happens when authorities abuse their power. Perhaps, most importantly, and the major message of our letter, the scriptures are clear that all earthly rulers are under the ultimate authority of God, whether they acknowledge it or not. So, knowing this truth, we thought it would be unwise and unloving to not share this truth with those who rule over us in Fulton County.
Also, it was important to our church to make clear that God's authority is made manifest in the person and work of Christ, the God-Man who has all authority in heaven and on earth. We want to urge all people, including those in high places, to submit to Christ through faith and repentance. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5
Responsible Citizenship
As voting citizens within a county of a constitutional republic, we understand the blessing of our citizenship and the responsibility therein. To not participate in our community in this way is to take for granted the blessings of God and allow our community to wither away under the dangers of secularism, leaving to our children, not a blessing but a curse.
As John Adams considered the form of government the founders were building, he said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." While Adams was referring to the federal government, the principles have trickled down to the state and local level. The main point to take from Adams is that the success of our governments will depend upon the people's dependency on God above all.
Why Make it Public?
We made the decision to address the Quorum court and to make it public for two reasons: accountability and influence.
Our desire is to be a public voice of truth and reason to our elected officials, and part of holding them accountable is by declaring that truth and reason publicly. The publicization of this letter wasn't to humiliate or air grievances but simply share it for the sake of long-term accountability.
However, we have made this public because we desire to see other Christians, churches, and pastor come along side and be unashamed of Christ and bold with the truth. Our community, our country, needs more action from Christians. We all share in the fruit of unashamed and bold Christians of the past that have shaped our societies on the basis of Christianity and God's word. If we sit back and enjoy those blessings without joining in the work, we do a disservice to our progeny and will watch those benefits dissolve away.
Now What?
Continued Involvement
Our desire is to continue our involvement with the local government. We don't want this to appear as a gimmick, but as a lasting principle. This means we will be encouraging our church members to attend local government events, to be informed, and ready to speak the truth when necessary.
We also plan to continue this pattern on the state and federal level.
Constant Prayer
As we continue these efforts, we will be in constant prayer for our county officials (1 Timothy 2:1-2). We understand that God has decreed their place (Romans 13:1-2, and it is by God's mercy that they will govern well. So, to do all of this without prayer would be the act of a fool.
Call to Christians
It is our desire to see more churches taking up this effort, to pray regularly for governing authorities during our Sunday gatherings, to regularly attend government sessions and meeting, and to be publicly unashamed of the gospel and bold in speaking the truth of the holy scriptures.
Luke Humphries